Welcome to my website!
The aim of this site is to publish all my research/work including best phone providers and my university work. Check out my regularly updated price comparison spreadsheet to phone abroad from free. If you find this website useful then please click/sign up to some of the adverts on this site and you will benefit too!
News and Updates:
Monday 06/02/2006 @ 21:44
Saturday 08/10/2005 @ 23:40
- I have added call through numbers for calling 0800 numbers via a mobile. The primary number provided is from a non-published service from Pre-dial.
- I have added a note at the top the call comparison spreadsheet to explain what is meant by FREE calls using a mobile access number. Calls made by mobile phone contract users will utilise inclusive (cross network, same network, landline - depending on your tariff) minutes. When all inclusive minutes have been used, calls will be charged at regular cross network call rates. The Simplyfone number will only work via x-network inclusive minutes. Pre-dial use Orange and 02 access numbers and therefore those who have same-network inclusive minutes on those networks may use this service, though currently the numbers are not working. I will update my spreadsheet to indicate the network the number relates to when these numbers start to work again or new ones are released.
Thursday 06/10/2005 @ 22:00
- Free text messages to Israel mobile - Orange, Cellcom and Pelephone - via ICQ. A full list of available destinations for this serverce is available on their website. For those who don't know, ICQ is an Instant Messenger application like MSN Messenger and Yahoo Messager.
- New cheapest standard dialthrough provider for Isreal mobile now 2p/minute. Check out my updated phone price comparison spreadsheet here.
Sunday 18/09/2005 @ 20:50
- The simply-fone number 07744 974 404 is now included in your orange minutes (as well as o2) according to the simply-fone website. This is probably true for all 07744* numbers.
- Pre-dial should be coming out with some new numbers shortly according to their website and the following. The orange numbers maybe unblocked shortly as well. Any news will be posted as soon as I get it.
Thursday 08/09/2005 @ 21:40
- Pre-dial numbers are currently not working. They are being blocked or won't allow you to connect.
- 18866 are increasing their connection fee from 2p to 3p.
Sunday 28/08/2005 @ 23:45
- New pre-dial number: 07970 457 969. This should work to Israel landline and mobiles.
Sunday 24/07/2005 @ 16:10
- From testing the various mobile access numbers it seems that the only number (excl 07744) working is 0797 682 7878 from pre-dial. This number currently works to Israel landline but not Israel mobile. Users may want to email pre-dial to request for the ability to call Israel mobile.
Wednesday 13/07/2005 @ 23:05
- I have updated the Phone Price Comparison chart. The update includes cheaper calls to: UK & Israel mobiles, 0845 & 0870 premium rate numbers - when calling from a landline. Additionally, please note that 07744 numbers are only free with o2 and T-mobile.
Monday 21/03/2005 @ 22:40
- You should now be able to phone Israel landline and mobiles 24/7 via the pre-dial access number 07973 832 825. For some reason they are not advertising this specific number at the moment but I have tried it and it works. Their website is not very clear and often trial and error is needed to work out what numbers work, when and to where. Alternatively you need to email them and you can even request they add a destination.
- 18866 are increasing their connection fee from 1p to 2p from 23rd March.
- Another free phone thread at Moneysavingexpert.com. In this case you should be able to make about £10 profit for life of contract: £60 phone rental - £40 theworks site referral - £10 buying online discount - £20 refer a friend discount (you should be able to refer yourself if you have bought from dialaphone before).
- And finally: The Carphonewharehouse has bought OneStopPhoneShop. This in theory at least should make OneStopPhoneShop more reliable. See news article here
Tuesday 08/03/2005
- You can now make 100% free calls to uk geographical numbers and some international destinations via 1899 VOIP. There are NO connection fees via 1899's VOIP service. Call prices for this service are listed here. All you need to do is download the software from here. Alternatively you can use Firefly or any software/hardware phones that support SIP or AIX protocols. Configuration details are located here.
- On a similar note, you can get a free UK geographical landline number covering almost any area in the UK from Sipgate. So you can register your sipgate number with 1899 and receive free incoming calls and make free outgoing UK calls (via 1899) 24/7 .
- If anyone knows of a good hardware phone solution for the above please send me an email to web at scheiner.co.uk.
- A final point for today. I have updated the freebies section.
Saturday 26/02/2005
- Free headset and lots more freebies here.
Here are 3 explanations of how cashback websites work:
- Go to Rpoints and scroll to bottom of the page and have a look at their flash tutorial.
- Go to GreasyPalm and have a look at their pictorial explanation on the front page.
- For the full explanation see Martin Lewis's article at Money Saving Expert.
Thursday 24/02/2005
Sunday 13/02/2005 @ 14:05
Sunday 30/01/2005 @ 15:30
Tuesday 25/01/2005
- Phone deals update. The Carphone Warehouse deal is back again and £2.99/month or £4.88 for the year after Rpoints/GreasyPalm and Trade In.
- Found a new website with good deals - don't know how reliable they are - go check it out. Microline Mobiles
Wednesday 19/01/2005 20:20
- Phone deals update. The Carphone Warehouse deal is back again but now £4.99/month.
Tuesday 11/01/2005 12:10
- Here are some links about 07744****** numbers: 1, 2.
It has now been reported that some people have been charged on Vodaphone using the number. After they complained they took off the charge. Orange, 02, T-mobile contract customers should be OK, but as with everything you should double check your free minutes are being used, your bill, and with customer services.
07744 numbers are registered with Dolphine and not any of the normal mobile operators, hence the issues above.
- Give to charity for FREE by clicking on links. See this.
- The Phone Price Comparison spreadsheet has had an update.
Saturday 08/01/2005 22:00
Wednesday 05/01/2005 18:35
- Check out the new freebies section here.
- I am going to add a new best mobile phone deal section soon.
Sunday 01/01/2005 21:40
- Free hard drive using GMail: check this out.
- and if you don't have a gmail account get invited here.
Wednesday 29/12/2004 @ 15:40